Monitor response time what is it

Monitor refresh rate is the speed (frequency) at which the image of the monitor changes (is updated). The higher the refresh rate, the more times the image can be updated every second, and the smoother the image will look. This change of pictures per second is measured in hertz (Hz).

What is the response in the monitor?

The generally accepted level of refresh rate, which leads to a satisfactory picture, depends on the application. Cinemas operate with a frequency of only 24 Hz, and the old television standards PAL and NTSC - with a frequency of 50 hertz and 60 hertz, respectively. A typical PC display will have a refresh rate of 60 Hz, but the latest gaming displays can reach up to 240 Hz.

REFERENCE! The pursuit of a higher refresh rate is crucial for games, as it allows the screen to keep up with the player’s fast movements.

For example, a modern mouse can report its position up to 1000 times per second, while modern PCs can run competitive games, such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive or Overwatch, with hundreds of frames per second. Having a monitor that can keep up with everything that a gamer can potentially give is a decisive advantage in a split second.

What is the refresh rate for gaming monitors

In games that are not particularly taxed, frame rates may exceed 100 FPS. However, a 60 Hz display is updated only sixty times per second. This means that gamers do not fully benefit from the improved response speed at a higher frame rate and may notice a gap, because the display does not cope with the incoming data.

The 120 Hz display updates twice as fast as the 60 Hz display, so it can display up to one hundred and twenty frames per second, and the 240 Hz display can handle up to two hundred and forty frames per second. This will eliminate gaps in most games.

In short, if you are a gamer, you may notice that you would see a greater, more obvious benefit from switching to a screen with a faster refresh rate than switching to 4K, since both of these operations can become overly expensive and burdensome on your equipment. Displays with a refresh rate of 120 Hz or 144 Hz provide a smoother game with less input lag.

If possible, try finding a 120Hz monitor in the store. Many have demos demonstrating this feature. You can also refer to past experiences; if you immediately notice stuttering or motion blur in the movie theater or on the TV, you will probably notice the difference. However, people who have never had a problem may not see significant improvements.

How to find out the refresh rate

Right-click on the desktop and select display options

Note: If you are using Windows 7 or, possibly, for Windows XP, you can click on the control panel from the Start menu.

The next step is to click Properties when you are in the Settings window. A new window should open.

For users of Windows 7: In the Control Panel, in the Appearance and Personalization section, click the screen resolution adjustment button. Click on the Monitor tab.

For Windows 7 users: Click on the Advanced Settings button to open a new window. The next step is to complete the process of finding the update frequency by finding the necessary parameter.

If you do not see your installed refresh rate for your monitor in this list — or if you cannot configure the monitor for the declared refresh rate — you need to check all cable connections.

Watch the video: Monitor Response Times As Fast As Possible (May 2024).

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