How to drain water in the toilet, so as not to harm health

Have you ever thought about the fact that improperly flushing water in the toilet, can harm your health? Usually, everyone just presses the release button.

In fact, such neglect can have a negative effect on the body.

Like, improperly draining water, you can harm health

It turns out that such a familiar subject of a bathroom can be given the attention of employees of scientific institutions. The ubiquitous British scientists (yes, again they) conducted a whole study on this sanitary fixture.

In the course of the laboratory studies, they found that under the lid of the toilet bowl there are a large number of pathogens, including a particularly dangerous strain of bacteria - Clostridium difficile.

Reference! Clostridium difficile is a type of anaerobic bacteria belonging to the genus Clostridium. The bacterium is the main causative agent of severe disease of the direct part of the intestine - pseudomembranous colitis.

Normally, Clostridium difficile is present in the body of a healthy person in small quantities. But in the case of taking certain types of medicines, for example, antibiotics, the bacterial strain begins to grow. This leads to intestinal upset - diarrhea, and in rare cases can cause such a serious disease as phlegmon of the intestine.

Reference! Phlegmon (translated from the ancient Greek "heat") is an acute purulent inflammation. It differs from the abscess in that it has no clear boundaries of defeat.

Diarrhea and cellulitis are very common in hospital hospitals. So, only one person, who is a carrier of Clostridium difficile, can infect more than ten patients of the clinic.

Reference! Only in the USA about a million cases of severe diarrhea occur annually.

British scientists conducted an experiment:

  1. A mixture containing pathogenic bacteria was poured into the toilet.
  2. Employees of the Institute poured water and measured the height to which water drops were sprayed.
  3. Took samples. Bacteria were found at a great distance from the toilet.
  4. After 90 minutes, samples were taken again - the concentration of pathogenic strains was still high.
  5. After that, the scientists again poured the mixture with the bacteria and closed the toilet lid.
  6. Again poured water and took samples. No microorganisms dangerous for the human body were found in the room.

Bacteria were found not only on the plumbing itself, but also on the walls of the bathroom, a towel, on the floor and even on hygiene products such as a toothbrush, comb. When draining water into the air, an aerosol plume rises, which can reach two meters in height. It consists not only of microscopic drops of water, but also of particles of feces, pathogens. After that, the particles are distributed throughout the area of ​​the room.

How to flush water in the toilet to prevent the spread of germs

Of course, the number of pathogenic microbes and particles harmful to the human body that fall on your toothbrush is not as great as in the toilet itself. But the essence of the problem lies in the fact that bacteria tend to accumulate and multiply. Especially if they are in a favorable environment for this.

What to do to prevent this? Experts recommend the following:

  1. Before pressing the water drain button, close the toilet lid.
  2. Keep personal care products, such as a toothbrush, comb, and others, at a rather large distance from the toilet bowl. Ideal option - to use the closed boxes or cabinets with doors.
  3. After pressing the drain button, try to leave the room immediately.
  4. Do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene - wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet.

These basic rules will prevent the spread of germs and save you from various diseases.

Watch the video: How To Fix Slow Flushing Toilet Tips - Slow Draining Toilet (May 2024).

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