What is the difference between a slow cooker and a double boiler

The modern housewife in the kitchen can not do without helpers. As such, microwave ovens, blenders, toasters, crepe makers and other devices that facilitate home living, can significantly save time and engage yourself in more enjoyable activities. Slow cookers and steamers, which can now be seen in any kitchen, deserve special attention. Why are they so good? Is there a difference between them?

What is a multicooker

Such a universal appliance, such as a multicooker, provides for not only heating dishes, but also their preparation. The functionality of a modern multicooker allows you to:

  • to cook;
  • fry;
  • bake;
  • stew;
  • cook for a couple.

In addition, meals can be prepared with a delayed start. The hostess can in the evening load the necessary products into the container and turn on the cooking mode for the night or by a certain time. This function is especially convenient for mothers with young children who need to be fed hot porridge in the morning. After the porridge is ready, the smart machine will start to heat it, so by the morning you will have a ready-made hot dish.

What is a double boiler?

A double boiler is an indispensable assistant in cooking steamed dishes. In other words, it cannot fry, stew or bake, but it allows you to cook many products: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits. Its main advantage is the ability to simultaneously prepare several products that can be put in one or different bowls. Modern devices are endowed with a delayed start function and a mode for heating dishes.

What is the difference between a slow cooker and a double boiler

In order to determine what is best for you, we will compare assistants in terms of functionality, cooking modes, cooking time, power consumption and prices.


As we have already noted, both devices are endowed with the function of delayed start and heating of already cooked dishes. In addition, a slow cooker and a double boiler allow you to defrost food. But a slow cooker can not only cook steamed foods, but also bake, cook, stew and even fry. With its help, you can easily cook soup, boil any porridge, bake a pie and fry meat or fish. More expensive models have the function of "grill" or "yogurt". A significant plus of the double boiler is that during cooking the vitamins in it are stored in full. That is why products from a double boiler are most useful. This is a great counterbalance in favor of this machine for those who monitor their health and figure.

Available Modes

Multicooker models on the market are equipped with many modes:

  • milk porridge;
  • pilaf;
  • bakery products;
  • steaming;
  • quenching;
  • grill.

You don’t have to think how long it takes to cook, for example, rice milk porridge, the crock-pot itself will set a timer and signal when the dish is ready.

The double boiler has only two modes:

  • steaming;
  • defrosting products.

You cannot cook porridge in it or cook soup. The set of products for this machine is minimal: meat, fish, seafood, vegetables and fruits.

Time for preparing

The multicooker is inferior to the double boiler in cooking speed. The first cooks the dishes much longer. However, in the multicooker there is a function of cooking products for a couple, time and speed are identical to the operation of a double boiler. For example, to defrost vegetables, both assistants will spend the same amount of time, as well as cooking fish, chicken or meat.


A significant difference is the ability to cook several dishes in a double boiler at the same time, which saves valuable time. A slow cooker allows you to cook in turn.

Power consumption

The power consumed by the devices under study is of importance. Steamers in which 3 or 4 bowls are involved simultaneously consume 1200-1400 watts. When operating one bowl, no more than 800 watts is spent. The power consumption of a multicooker is, on average, 1000-1200 watts.

On a note!

When using one bowl of a double boiler, it consumes less than a slow cooker. When two bowls work, more.

Unit Price

In terms of price range, the double boiler is much cheaper than the slow cooker. The average price of a modern device for cooking steamed dishes is approximately 2000-2500 rubles. A machine with one bowl costs 1000-1500 rubles. A slow cooker with limited functionality will cost you 3000-3500 rubles, and an assistant with functions such as "jam", "grill" or "yogurt" more than 5000 rubles.

What is better multicooker or double boiler

Choosing between a double boiler and a slow cooker, the latter is preferred by consumers who prefer variety in food. A double boiler is a valuable helper for those who adhere to proper nutrition, diet or want to consume foods that contain maximum vitamins and minerals.

Watch the video: Using an Instant Pot as a Double Boiler (April 2024).

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