How to remove clay from the palace

We all love our children and often try to pamper them. We buy them the best toys, strive to develop their creative abilities. Statistics show that one of the most popular materials in the world for children's creativity is plasticine.

But often you can encounter one very unpleasant problem. After games, soft and sticky material can be anywhere, in the most unexpected place, for example, on a palace.

Removing plasticine from flooring requires a competent approach. Today we’ll talk about how to clean the palace from plasticine quickly, efficiently and without damaging its appearance. Our tips will help you save time and nerves.

Methods for removing plasticine from the palace

To understand how we deal with this problem, for starters We will understand the composition of plasticine. it clay, wax and various fats such as petroleum jelly.


All these ingredients it wipes well with a regular solvent (acetone, stain remover and similar products). It can be bought at any hardware store. Household solvent is a very powerful tool that is effectively used for various household purposes.To take care of your hands, wear gloves.

ATTENTION! Make sure your palace is solvent-free! If the label is not preserved, test on a minimum area that is not striking.

Surely everyone in the house will have a little of this harsh smelling liquid. When working with it, be careful! Take a cloth, wet it with solvent and rub the place of pollution. Then wait until the solvent is absorbed in and begins to fight with soft material.

The effect will exceed your expectations! Plasticine quickly wipes off, and you don’t even have to make a big effort. After using the solvent, rinse the damaged area with water and wait until the spot has dried out. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

IMPORTANT! Remember that solvent is a potent chemical. The place of its application will need to be thoroughly washed with water.

Do not take this carelessly, because we are talking about the health of all family members.

Exposure to temperature

You can also use another tool - exposure to temperature.

Put a piece of ice from the freezer or heat the contaminated area with an iron. Plasticine will freeze and it will be easy to remove with your hands. Or it will melt and easily remove from the surface.

Mechanical removal

The third method in terms of chemistry is the safest for your health and the health of those around you. If the sticky compound has not yet eaten, then use manual mechanical work. Just collect large pieces with your hands. And scrape off the remaining small particles with a knife.

This is pretty boring work, but here you are not risking anything, and the result will be quite expected.


Another time-consuming option is to use a stiff brush. Her need to be wetted in hot soapy water and then collected. It will be necessary to exert physical strength.

How to clean plasticine stain

What to do if you did not immediately find traces of children's creativity, and they have already eaten into the palace? Do not worry - there is a way out! You will need a little ingenuity and simple improvised means to bring the coating back to its original form.

The composition of the material includes various substances that leave ugly spots. But there is one action that will help you get rid of them - washing alcohol with a damaged area of ​​the tissue.


The recipe is simple: add 7 drops of ammonia in 150 ml of water, wash and wait result. After some time, the alcohol will begin to interact with the fatty components and will not leave a trace from them. This method is the most elementary and easy to use. If you do not see the expected effect, then repeat the procedure.

Other methods

  • Grease stains can be wiped with special tool for rugs. The instruction is usually located on the product packaging.
  • Soda solution also helps a lot with this problem.

Dry cleaning

If you are the owner of an expensive product, then we do not advise you to take risks and act independently. Take the spoiled interior to dry cleaning! Professionals will deal with your problem using modern high-quality equipment.

REFERENCE! By eliminating the problem at home, you risk spoiling the appearance of your coating, its presentability.

In dry cleaning, experienced people who are already faced with similar problems will help you, and you will not doubt the quality of the work performed. You will have to pay for it, but, believe me, this money will pay off.

We hope this article has been helpful and you will be able to restore the palace to its appearance.


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