Do I need to turn off the Wi-Fi router at night

Electronic technology has long become an integral part of our lives. A Wi-Fi router, a device designed to connect to computer networks, is in high demand. Whether its radiation is harmful to human health, whether it should be turned off at night, read on.

Is it necessary to turn off the router at night and why

To get an answer to this question it is necessary to listen to the opinions of specialists in various fields. These include healthcare providers and electronics professionals.

The first claim that absolutely all devices must be turned off at night. They argue their point of view not so much with the presence of electromagnetic waves and their effect on the human nervous system, but with the presence of LED indicators that are harmful to the body. At night, the light bulb emits brighter light compared to what we see in the daytime. It is he who is the external stimulus for the entire human body.

Important! The doctors who conducted numerous studies advise to ensure that the place of night rest is located in a dark, calm room without extraneous sounds to ensure a healthy and sound sleep!

The opposite opinion is expressed by specialists working in the field of IT-technologies. They consider the disconnection and inclusion in the network of any device adversely affect its performance. Due to the frequent pressing of the power button, voltage surges can occur that adversely affect the state of the art.

In favor of disabling the router at night, elementary logic and the desire for savings speak. Typically, a router consumes an average of about 10 watts per hour. The LED lamp has approximately the same power. As a result of simple arithmetic operations, it is possible to calculate the amount of energy consumed per month - 10 * 24 * 30 = 7200 W or 7.2 kW. Multiply this figure by the electricity tariff in your area and find out how much you can save!

How to protect yourself from Wi-Fi radiation

You can reduce the effect of waves emitted by the router on the human body with the help of several operations:

  1. Turn off the equipment in those moments when no one is using it.
  2. You should move the router to the room where you and your family are the least likely. This is necessary because the radiation power of any device depends on how far the source is from a person.
  3. Reduce the power indicator in the settings of the router to the minimum indicator.
  4. Install the signal transmission antenna in the most frequently used direction (for example, on a laptop or computer). Due to this, the negative impact on humans will be reduced.
  5. You will also be able to use the Internet with the help of a cable or telephone network, pay attention to these most secure and simple options.

Reference! It is at night that attackers can take advantage of your included network in order to hack devices or use the Internet. In the off state, it is impossible to do this!

How to properly turn off the router at night

There are several ways to temporarily take a router out of operation:

  1. With the help of a special button located on the back of the device. As a rule, it is located next to the cable connection connectors and is called Wireless, Wi-Fi, etc. It is necessary to press and hold it in this position for several seconds, after which the device will turn off.
  2. In the absence of such a switch, you can use the network interface of the router. To do this, open a browser on any device and enter the IP address of the router, it is listed on the bottom of the device, and follow the link that appears. In the settings that opens, go to the "Wireless Mode" section, where put the pointer in the line "Wi-Fi connection status" in the "Off" column. Now data transfer is stopped.

The effect of frequent shutdowns on the router

Any inclusion of a router entails the formation of an electron flux and an increase in the level of nominal voltage. Frequent creation of such a situation can lead to an early breakdown of the router. In this regard, experts advise disconnecting the parting from the outlet as rarely as possible!

Reference! Modern manufacturers claim that the equipment produced today is designed for frequent voltage drops and is ready for an adequate reaction to such a situation!

Now you know that it is very important to protect yourself and your family from the influence of electromagnetic waves emitted by a Wi-Fi router. This can be done with simple operations, not only at night, but also at any moment suitable for you!

Watch the video: Why Does Your Internet Connection Randomly Stop Working? (April 2024).

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